Thursday 9 April 2009

karma store detective

I woke up this morning in a foul mood.

I don't know why.

I got drunk on tuesday, yesterday I was a little hungover and I think maybe today was some sort of hangover from the hangover.

Or... maybe it's the full moon. I wonder. Maybe I should keep a diary of bad moods and then correlate them to the moevment of the... no. Silly idea.

It was about 8am and the little 'un was making her morning sqwaking noises which are incredibly cute, but I couldn't shake it off. So rather than sit at the breakfast table and be a misery I took myself off to the office where I could stew and fester alone.

Bad moods are silly. And this one wasn't even justified in hanging around. Two great things happpened today: one to do with a script and one to do with getting a new phone:

Nice isn't it.

But they were tempered by the news that my hard drive is knackered and I'm going o have to pay £300 to get the data off it.

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