Wednesday 24 September 2008

A new way to waste some time...

Hello, my name is John and I write and perform comedy. I've been doing stand-up for nearly seven years and not long ago I left my full-time job to concentrate on writing narrative comedy for TV and radio.

That means I've got to use stand-up to pay the bills. I have a house, a wife on maternity leave, a baby daughter, a dog and two cars. I'd better start being really funny.

That does not mean this is going to be a funny blog.

In fact I don't know what this blog is going to be. My original idea was that it could follow my fledgling comedy writers career, as I attempt to make something resembling a decent wage from it and maybe giving a bit of insight into the business from a new writers point of view.

What it will probably become wil be:
1. neglected
2. a new way to waste time when I should be working
3. very moany
4. tragic
5. desperate
6. all of the above.

we'll see.

1 comment:

Dan Sweryt said...

If it starts to become neglected, I will get on your case. How's that sound?

Cheers for the 'good intentions' though :)