Tuesday 25 August 2009

big computer keyboard

Gosh... has it really been a month?

I'm kind of struggling to keep this up to date, and there are a number of reasons for this -

1. I very rarely think I have anything interesting to say.
2. August, and the Edinburgh festival. Every man, his dog and his midget trapeze troup are blogging. the ether is thick with blogs. tales of drunkenness and fingering and ... all sorts of things that make me wish I was there.
3. congenitally lazy. No. Not lazy, efficient. Just not efficient at updating the blog.
4. the little one spilt tea all over my big computer keyboard - that's my keyboard for my 'big' computer, ie. not the laptop; before you go thiking I have some sort of giant novelty computer keyboard. It's just a normal keyboard on whih the cursor keys don't work and the 's' sticks. All very annoying.

I've spent the last month hammering out one pagers for three ideas I have. Two are fairly mainstream sitcoms and one is a radio sci fi series. I love them all. One is based on an ex girlfriend's family, one is based on my own family and the sci fi is based on an idea I've had knocking around for a while.

I've also been doing a lot of reading up and researchfor a script I'm putting together for Big Bear Films. It came from a short play I wrote which they really liked and want to develop into a comedy drama.

I've spent the last month just letting the idea gestate. I feel I'm getting to a point now where I can start to script it.

So I will. Tomorrow, just as soon as I've cleaned the keyboard.

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